Paper on matter-antimatter imbalance (another M\(^3\) work) accepted for publication

Another paper for the study of baryon asymmetry of the universe based on the mirror-matter model (M3) has just been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D.

This is another piece of work that firmly establishes the connections between the new mirror-matter model and cosmology. It is also the bridge leading to the full-fledged extended Standard Model with Mirror Matter (SM3).

Kaon oscillations and baryon asymmetry of the universe

Baryon asymmetry of the universe (BAU) is naturally explained with K0−K0′ oscillations of a newly developed mirror-matter model and new understanding of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) phase transitions. A consistent picture for the origin of both BAU and dark matter is presented with the aid of n−n′ oscillations of the new model. The global symmetry breaking transitions in QCD are proposed to be staged depending on condensation temperatures of strange, charm, bottom, and top quarks in the early universe. The long-standing BAU puzzle can then be understood with K0−K0′ oscillations that occur at the stage of strange quark condensation and baryon number violation via a non-perturbative sphaleron-like (coined “quarkiton”) process. Similar processes at charm, bottom, and top quark condensation stages are also discussed including an interesting idea for top quark condensation to break both the QCD global Ut(1)A symmetry and the electroweak gauge symmetry at the same time. Meanwhile, the U(1)A or strong CP problem of particle physics is simply solved under the same framework.

Author: Wanpeng Tan

I share my ideas and thoughts mainly about mirror matter theory and open science on this blog. Under the new theory, we live in the universe with a mirror (hidden) sector of particles. A perfectly imperfect (minimally broken) mirror symmetry is the key to unlock the beauty and elegance of our universe. Click on the menu links for a popular introduction, a technical summary, and list of my papers on the new mirror matter theory.